Reckless couple filmed sex tape in DRIVERLESS Tesla while it cruised down motorway on its own

The smutty clip has garnered a whopping 2million views online

A RECKLESS couple has filmed a raunchy sex tape while speeding down a highway in a self-driving car – and admit they "wouldn't recommend it".

Amateur US porn star Taylor Jackson performed the incredibly dangerous stunt with her boyfriend in the front seat of their Tesla Model X.

 A couple has filmed a sex tape in a self-driving Tesla
A couple has filmed a sex tape in a self-driving Tesla

In the video, the pair get hot and heavy for a full ten minutes while their £75,000 electric car careens past people's homes on autopilot mode.

"Earlier this year I was on a road trip with my boyfriend and he asked me to have sex with him while driving," Taylor, who lives in Los Angeles, California, told The Register.

"We both thought it was hot and joked about doing it again and putting it on Pornhub. We thought someone had to have done it before so we looked it up, but we couldn’t find a single video.

"A few weeks later I signed up for a Pornhub account and this video was one of the first few videos I made."

 The clip even made it to PornHub's Instagram account
The clip even made it to PornHub's Instagram account

Tesla makes electric cars that have an "autopilot mode", allowing the vehicle to steer and brake for you.

Run by eccentric billionaire Elon Musk, the firm asks drivers to keep both hands on the wheel at all times in case things go wrong.

Taylor's fragrant attitude to this rule drew a tongue-in-cheek jibe from PornHub, where the clip has garnered 2million views since it was uploaded last week.

The world's biggest porn site posted a screengrab of Taylor's smutty clip with the caption: "Reporting you to Elon for not having two hands on the wheel with autopilot enabled."

Taylor warned that the high-speed romp almost cost her and her boyfriend their lives.

 Taylor is based in Los Angeles, California
Taylor is based in Los Angeles, California

"I have experienced Autopilot a lot so I did feel safe," she said.

"Most of the highway we were on was straight. We did have one scare where I hit the steering wheel and knocked it out of Autopilot mode.

"I wouldn't recommend it since it is dangerous."

Tesla did not respond to a request for comment.